Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Mule Chronicles...Day 2.5

Mule trip preparations day 2.5. In a dark room with my eyes closed, how does my body know I'm not sleeping the right way on the bed? Why, upon waking at 0400 hours, did my mind decide that was the best time to try to recall the lyrics to Gilligan's Island? And why, upon being unable to recall said lyrics, does it think it needs to make up new lyrics? Gilligan didn't have any mules, it wasn't a seven day voyage, and Barry and Jay were never on Gilligan's Island. 
You may return to your regularly schedule programming...sorry if the Gilligan's Island theme song is now stuck in your head all day, but here's the link so you don't have to make up your own lyrics...unless you want too, then don't click the link, it'll ruin your own special edition. 

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